Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yes i do... I really miss you...

Why... i love you... and you love me too... but we cant be together? Why we always miss each other but we cant be a nice couple... I really miss the time when we travel... we were a real couple in someway...or at least i think so...
I fucking hate this fact!...

Friday, December 14, 2012


i was always there for you ... and you know i did! but after all i dont know what is it between us! i hoped a lot, i loved a lot and also hurt a lot...this is not smthing you called a "pay back"! Cuz if i do, you will even feel worse!

You said now you want to be beside me? then what is it now? you had him, your family, even your best friends! and you told me there are something you cannot tell both of them then tell your friends! Why me? I am not tired of this because i would love to hear everything you said, but it made me hope so much... and then what left is pain!

You told me it's so hurt that you can hardly breath... so do i... and it is not the first time for me! But please! Think again and tell me why you have all of those feelings for me?... when ya ready or know it, add me again in wechat if you really can throw things away to tell me that like i did to you! I will be waiting... you know that i always love you mah... right? But it is just, smtime, my love is not that good for you... and if you decide to choose one love! Believe me or not, have faith in it and it will never bring you down!

What im trying to do now is close myself.... or should i say shut myself down ... i wont fight for love anymore from now on... i guess you were  right... the more we fight for it, the more painful we will feel... so love the one who love you would be an easy and safe choice hah :) Now i know why you choose to live like that somehow... and also i was so so down that before... you tried to comment on every post that i made... now i can easily see that you changed a lot that you didnot even comment on one post if you dont want to tell me smthing...

And about the delete part... i just cant stop loving you if i keep seeing you there and texting with you! Anw, you also deleted me once... not me but my post to be exact...

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Lie on bed what look at all of our pics again :)

Just a "heart-beating feeling" keep make my heart hurt ...

Dont know why...

But i miss you...

Do you hate me and the fact that i am loving you more and more?


You are not my honey like before anymore nah...

Hard hard hard...

Anw, keep strong my princess!

Love you..

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am such a fool ...

Why i cant think of it earlier hah...
Cant sleep, and read a short story ...

"If you dont love me then I cant just force you to love me ... :) "

I got it now... sorry for what i've done so far...

Strange feeling...

A feeling that is different hah...
That's what i am gonna say about our closest talk...
I dont know but when we talk softly like that... i can feel a connection... It's not too fast, its not too slow, but it's warm... it doesnt change the beat of my heart, but its like bring life to it...

And silly June ah...
Since you go back to China, i know that i cant lean on you anymore... i have to stand on my own :) there is always some kinds of feeling that you wont tell and wont share anyone right? And same to me... there's something that i cant tell anyone, except for the one can make me feel love... You do make me feel so, but you deny it or somehow you avoid it... that's why i cant tell... Not exactly that's why i cant tell ... i dont know how to explain it now...
And honey ah... i cant stop loving you, that's why i will always care abt you! you knew it right?
But tell you nah... to love you like that, there is so many opposite feelings and thoughts inside my head and my heart which fight all the time... You can say i am changeable, or easy to change, or i am like a girl (lol), but you might not understand my feeling... to a lucky and lovely girl like you, i dont think you are suffered by this much, but i am... plus im the kind of guy who always want to bring the one i love a feeling of safe and warm... I do know that girls dont want that, i am me, cant change lol ... people might fed up with me soon, but i dont ^^

Even there's a lot of thing i cant tell now, even to you, but ya still the only place i can find when i am weak :) even it's just in short-term but it is already more than enough:)

And keep that in your mind nah!! Whatever i said, you said im your safest place to hide once, then i will always be that place of yours!
Love you..

Believe it or not... You are a special girl.. and only you can make me feel that much kind of feeling :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sleep tight...

Sleep tight hah:)
Miss you the whole day...

Yup, i cant stop loving you ...
But i have my own pride... i threw it away a lot of time to stay beside you... it's your turn now..

I wont deny that i was wrong that time, but you push me that much, you should also know your mistake!
But really, i dont care? Think again!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Goodbye my honey...

Whenever we are hot temper, we will be like this... we always good and know how the other  think mah...

I do know what have you done for me and to me... you too right?
And deep inside you, you know that you love me too, you and me we both believe in what you said at the airport then what are we doing? Keep hurting each other like that?...

Sorry for hurting you this time... but i guess it's better than keep doing so for long time hah...
you dont face your love then im sorry...

Good bye my lover...


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bad June ...T.T

So you changed too much hah ... you read everything and dont even leave one comment to let me know... 
It will be a lie if i say that i dont want to know how you feel after reading all of that... but i guess it didnt touch you that deep hah... it couldnt be like before anw... i miss our time together... i was so nice... everything was just like living in a true fairy tale of us ...
However, ya now having your own paradise hah :) Enjoy for me as well honey hah!

Still... love you more and more...
Miss my "HONEY"

Friday, November 30, 2012

Honey ah...

Wondering if ya read our fairy tales or not... but if you read it then i hope you understand my heart hah:)
I know you are strong, i know you are a special girl:) You will always success wherever you go and whatever you do:) That's what i always believe <3
It has been a long time since you last work so you need time to carry on and get used to it :) You will find another me there ^^ Someone who can push you up like i did in carousel :)
It sounds really boring for you hah... but yup... that's what i will always tell you and believe so :)
It's now a tough time^^ i will be there for you!

Love you more and more :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012



Ble ble!!
Silly you!
I talked to you cuz i already cant stop talking anymore... but you are worst! keep treating me like that, YOU will lose me soon! No matter how much i love you!!

Still love you more somehow ... *wronged*

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


One more hour before your arrival in Maldives hah...
You will have a busy life over there for sure :)
Hope that you will always be strong and happy:) I know you can do it! There's nothing you cant do! Cuz you are the girl that i love, and to be loved by me, that girl should be really special *wink*

Welcome to Maldives honey hah >:D<

Monday, November 26, 2012


So today you flight away hah...
Guess that you cried a lot hah?...
but to be honest... i hate seeing you cry... that's so hurt to see that you know?
Safe flights honey nah :)
Hope that you will have a nice life over there, in that Maldives paradise:)

Please forgive me... i cant stop loving you...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 82nd..

Base on how you treat me today... you seem really enjoy your spaces now right? ... i've been waiting... i thought somehow you will talk to me soon... but im not that important for you to keep holding on:) i guess it was an end for "us" right?
What i was afraid that it would happen happened... have a good life hah!
I really dont know what else to say... :)

So finally, til now, the fairy tale end as you want it to be hah... an unhappy ending... your wishes always come true :-?? Not like me hah:)

Anw, somehow, you have your happy ending mah:) that's enough:)
I am happy to see you happy with him:)

Love you more...
This will close our fairy tale hah? I guess...
Somewhere deep inside me... really hope that one day i can still come back and continue writing this fairy tale:)

Goodbye, my sweetest girlfriend ever:)

Day 81st...

Is it that easy for you? Dont you feel the same as me?
I hold the touch in my hand for the whole day... and just hope that some thing from you pop up...
i know ya having a good time home but dont let me down... i am important somehow to you right?

Love you...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 80th...

Bad June...
You know me mah, right? You said those words to me in the airport then prove it to me..
I will wait for your return...
I believe you will come back to me one day... Be strong and face it...

Whatever happen between us, i will still love you more!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 79th..

Finally i finish my project with my lovely team <3
Anw... lol hah? Again i can not leave you... you always know how to get me back... or i just can not resist your charm at all...
I am sorry for saying these words hah... you know that you are out of my league mah... it's not that you dont deserve my love... it's about ya out of my reach ...:) Anw... you were really bad since ya treat me like that... you put me behind everything.... that makes me sad ...

Still love you more than yesterday ..

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 77th and 78th...

Honey ah... not again?
Why ... time after time...? It's all my fault again right? Yup... i guess that's what you think now... you dont need a bad Kent anymore, it seems...
You remember what we said when we cant be together? What comes will come... We will see where it will be then hah... anw... what comes came... we have to deal with it hah...
Moreover... if i keep on hoping that you will come to me... then it also means that you will break up with him... it's too selfish right? in someway... i cant let it happens... i cant break your heart or your happiness... you are so happy now that you dont want to leave anymore... you went out with his family even.... Really when you tell me that... to be honest... i cant bear that pain...
Anw, since you tell me you went to Leehom concert... and you still remember my song... i was so happy at that moment:) And since that time till now... i tell you my music list that i listen everyday hah:
-The first morning ... this song makes me remember about the time that i woke up and saw you were there.. next to me... those were the best days ever in my life.. And do you remember our first morning? The moment that i miss the most is when i stood by the window... you came, talked and then hold me from behind... love that hug...
-Tong hua ... you understand this two words more than me hah? FAIRY TALE... Our time we had together... it was really a beautiful Fairy tale .
-By my side... Remember that day? In that stage... i played this song for you, for only you... my eyes locked on yours and i gave you all my heart... Afterward... somehow we are so close right? remember on the bus i ask if you were happy, and you said " for always when i am with you "... i miss that moment so much... you know that you held my hand so so tight like a kid dont want to lose something? That was really sweet and i cant forget that day...
-You dont know me ... You said you like this song when i play it right? So do i... i love to play it for you...
-Endless love ( chinese one hah:p) ... It is what it means ...

Find it similar somehow?... I do... i know they make me crazy for you somehow... but i keep me moving...
Really hope that one day you will come back to our secret... read it once... so you may know how much i love you... you may know that i am still waiting for you... you may know that i am always watching ya...
The Fairy Tales now i cant write anymore... but i hope it's not ended yet hah... cuz this is where we love, where we raise our love... or i raise my love... so it wont stop here... it is just continue writing for itself hah:)

Love you more and more...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 77th..

Honey ah.... It's 3am now... but i cant close my eyes... i dont know why but i just think of you all the time and i cant sleep ...

Promise me you will read our secret at least once again hah? So that you will know how much i love you...

Really have a lot of things in my mind now that i want to tell you... and i just dont know where to start... Miss you so much...

Anw, ya hate to change things around you hah... but you changed yourself on the way of behaving toward me... Sadly, it's a negative way... ya spending less time on me now.... seems like the only time that you gonna text me is when you get to bed and about to sleep, after finishing with him... Anw, everyday i wait for these moment... unfortunately, it doesnt last so long...

Do i have to face the truth that you dont love me anymore?


Still love you more than yesterday >:D<

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 76th..

Nothing much to say today...
You went to the concert with him and his family....
I dont know what to say now... I guess there will be no more chance for me right? I never think about you and him with his family that close... I'd better leave... i know you want to keep me by your side as a friend... but you know? That's really selfish!!! YOU KNOW THAT I CANT STOP LOVING YOU MAH!!!!!!!!!!
i really dont know ... what should i do now????????
But still love you more than yesterday....

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 75th

Dear Honey...

Today i was so so dead lol... i spend almost my whole day on bed :D Really dont know why, just feel like i completely can not do anything... but i spent 1 hour 30 mins at the lake side... that was so cold... and i remember your warmth more... and i think of so many of our memories...  and i realized that i am the coward one... i could not face so many truth...
Even now when you wake up... there is no more me inside your head... sad hah :)
Anw, bad June... you see? Since i stopped asking you... you never tell me anything... just like you ask and i answer... and i want to talk you more... cuz i miss you and love you more and more everyday... and i cant get you out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again... love you more than yesterday <3

Send ya a big hug hah >:D<

Day 74th..

How can you be so so beautiful like that? You make me feel like you and me are beauty and the beast nah ...
You know how i feel when i see you pic? Omg... She's amazing... and you are totally out of my league ...
But why dont you send me more pics nah T.T I want moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... But somehow i feel jealous again ... you know why? I wont tell you hah *chuckle*, you know it yourself mah ^^

Anw, that's my only special thing that brighten my life today...

Love you more than yesterday :) <3

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 73rd

My lazy cat nah >:D<

A boring day again ... but anw you saved day one more time :D so so good to talk to you ...>:D< But do you feel any different from my side? i changed hah.... in fact.. i tried my best not to ask you a lot ... anw, i will let you show yourself to me whenever you want hah >:D< And if you really love me, i guess you will be a good lover to me!

Love you more than yesterday <3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 72th

Happy bday to you, my sweetest girl friend ever <3 or let me say me sweetest lover, honey hah :p
Remember there was one day you told me so? I was so happy that moment >:D<

Do you remember we celebrated our birthday together? So dont bother if you have no cakes or candle hah?
Face the truth first... you were not here... we cant be together on this day... sorry for that honey hah... In face, i hope you had a nice birthday with him, with your family and you friends... it was a special birthday home anyway mah, you have to be happy and think brighter hah? Everything about you is special! EVERYTHING! Just like you are my everything nah >:D<

Do you remember what we did together? Remember about our dreams? A little bit? If yes then i will add something one it now hah:D
We will celebrate our day, all special day in the secret place honey hah? We will go our together like everyday of our lives, do shopping, cook and then enjoy our foods together, of course only two of us in the small little woody house i will make for only two of us at the place we chose when we were on the cruise hah:p
Today there's only one wish i will wish for you is that you will always be happy! No matter what or who will bring that happiness to you, as long as they make you happy, i will be grateful for them all because of making you smile happily!

Love you more than yesterday >:D<

A little gift for you nah... hope that you will like it... the only thing i can give you while we are apart...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 71...

Happy birthday by Chinese time hah >:D<
Love you love you so so much...

I have a lot of present for you nah... but i will upload it tomorrow by swiss time hah, in your real bday in my time:p

So happy to talk to you today like all the time:p you talked like a real princess again and i love it! Once again i feel that we were so close again<3

Do you remember the day we celebrated our bday? I do, and that was the sweetest bday i've ever had >:D<

Love you more than yesterday!!

Day 70th...


I love you:p
really i cant leave you *wronged*... i dont know why but i just cant do it... it's too hard for me i guess...
You are my everything now.... you r my strength for me to keep holding on... Love you more and more...

Few more hours hah... enjoy the last day of you 22 honey hah... ( im writing in chinese time hah)

Love you more than yesterday..
So great to talk to you again<3

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 69th ...

So honey ah...
I guess that's it hah? ...
No, i wont say anything today... i will still wait til your birthday ... celebrate it and then i will finish hah...

so today...
I still love you more than yesterday...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 68th...

Honey ah ...
Im really not in the mood today... sorry for what i've done...
A dark day for us right?

Still love you more than yesterday...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 66th and 67th...

Honey ah... Sorry for not writing anything yesterday hah...
As you know hah, yesterday was the promotion day of our banquet so i really dont have much time to take care of our secret :p
Copy that link and you might be able to see the video that i had made for the promotion day hah:D About the glasses flash mob, sorry ... but none could record that:( We made it to surprise people and to catch other's attentions so no one could record that:(
there was also a dance of the whole class but i cant find anyway to let you see nah:( i will try my best but im no so sure hah...
How was your days? Anw, thanks for talking to me normally yesterday hah, you gave me strength again..
But after yesterday, i was completely dead...  sleep in classes lol ... but i got 90% overall nah:D Thank god that i still get honour lol...

Anw... I will be silient for few days hah ... since you always leave without telling me a word... you know that i always want to talk to you right? Then why you just left without telling me a word? I wanted to tell you so many things ... but since ya disappear... i will do it too...

Love you more than yesterday!
Bonus for ya nah:D Here's banquet manager and the guy who do a lot of things with me ^^

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 65th...

Honey ...
I know when you wake up today... you will feel really upset and hurt... so do i... since the moment you tell me that "he will be my man"... i was just out of control ... totally... It hurts and so sad...
Anyway, you have to be happy with him hah? You have to smile for always you know? Cuz you finally made  up your mind, finally get rid of me :)
Today was a long long and sad day... i woke up disappointed... had to run to much... and then end it also in a negative way... i will be strong and carry on!
As i told you hah... i will chase you next life... no matter how far we are, i will make you fall in love with me, be my girl friend, then be my wife, then give birth to our child and make all of our dreams come true...
I love you... but i have to leave you now ... be with me is not good for you at all... since i always make ya confuse, always mess things around you up...

If someone records what we are going to do tomorrow, i will put it here for you to see how good am i hah:) Our Fairy Tale became my Fairy Tale only from now on... i guess...

Love you more than yesterday...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 64th...

Honey ah ... even im in a busy week i will still try to write something for us hah:)

You know what... i cut my hand today because i miss you too much nah :( i dont know why but when doing paper craft.. i suddenly think of ya...
I hope when you come back to read all of these entry.... you will read it really as my girlfriend... so that this blog will truly become what it should be... a fairy tale for 2 of us...
Anw, we had come up with so much ideas for the up coming promotion day :D But we have to be quick because too much idea but not much time to prepare:( I will try to send you the video i have made hah:) And if possible, also some videos of that day as well:D
How was your day anw? I miss you too much... but really, today i tried to text you less... you know why? I want you to miss me ... to wait for me as well ... since from the beginning of our love, i was always the one who wait for ya haha *chuckle*

Anw... sorry for not texting you much today hah... it doesnt mean i want to be cold to you... i will always be the place where you can find warmth nah :D

Love you more than yesterday!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 63rd...

Honey ah...
Today is my trial cooking day and ya so so bad:( Ya dont even remember it hah... to you it's like a normal day only i guess...
I miss you the whole time in the kitchen ... do you miss me somehow? i think of ya while making the soup and the chicken nah:D And you are the inspirations to my dishes:D
And tell you this hah... they all like my plates:D kekekee, im happy with that:D And the class told me that the one who will be my wife for sure will be really happy :D all i can think of at that time is you :p
And one more thing hah.... today it seems like you have no interest at me and my cooking a lot hah... and also you dont even tell me about your day... But anw, i told ya i wont ask ever again so i will not :)

Love you more than yesterday nah<3

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 62nd...

A big disappointed...
You know what? i really feel down down when you tell me that... You know why i ask you about your day mah? It's not that i want you to report me anything... i dont need that, you do whatever you want anw, i never force ya to do any thing right? So that question is just something that i use for us to talk more!! Cuz you know why? Since ya came back to China, you r so cold to me! You talk to me less and less... you care for me less and less as well... What i want is to be with you, to share with you... to give you as much time as i can... I know for now im nothing to ya but it doesnt mean we're stop loving each other!!....
And if ya stop loving me already then please tell me... so that i will set ya free from my heart...
And i cant even shout at you... that's why i chose to be silent for a while... anw you have to sleep mah, right?
I always be there for ya, always got your back... but how can i do it if ya push me away?

Still a magic for ya today hah? Even it seems to be too unreal for you or whatever...
Im whispering onto your ears when ya sleep nah: "I love you honey ah:), See ya in our dreams hah, where we belong together ..."

This is magic today but it's also what i do everyday to keep my heart loving you :) Whispering to myself and hope it's gonna come to your ears...

Love you more than yesterday<3

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 61st

haha... honey ah... you know how many bottles that two of us finished?
a lot hah? so im writing this while im really now good at all... there are so many stars in front of my eyes hah:D
I asked you for 5 mins in you bday hah? All you said is or you will spend it on him, or your friensd or leave it to your family!! So there's no me inside you plan at all hah? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA... How stupid i am when spending all the time on you .... lmao...
But anw, i love you so i will the that stupid until i can stop loving you..
But i dont know when's that day yet... but so far.. i just love you more and more everyday:D
i had a quite boring day without anything special....

how about you? It should be a good day hha?

Love you more than yesterday! You drunk beloved!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Entry for 60th day!

Really i dont know why but today i slept all the time...
Here is my secret so i will tell the true feeling hah...
when you say you will go out tonight with a lot of high school friends, i was really ... jealous let say :|
For sure there would be him hah? And for sure all of your friends know about you two... they will ask a lot of questions and also make you two closer hah?
That's why i chose to sleep all day i guess... i dont know why but i become so selfish now i guess :(
But really, i feel so confident with my love for you now ... i dont know why really but it's like nothing could be worse hah :) it has been one month and half since ya left hah... to me it's like a decade =.= but i just love you more and more... only you love me less and less nah =;

anw, magic for today hah:) May i put a kiss on your eyes? Put sugar into your dreams, and put a little bit of my love into your heart... i know your heart is not mine put just let me love you like i used to do, honey hah?

Love you so much <3

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Magic for day 59th

Hallo Honey :D do you miss me?
I finally finish my midterms:D Sorry for not writing our secret recently hah... i was too busy :(
Now i have 2 3 days to relax and then again start to fight with all these projects nah :(
I really miss you.... guess that you know hah?
I know you miss me too mah:D but it's getting less and less right?...
To be honest... i really dont feel good when ya with him... jealous... and really happy for you if you happy with him ... but for myself... i feel like im a dump... And i hate the fact that the one who's making you happy is him.. not me...
Anw... A magic for you today hah? I will put it here instead of sending it to you... so that you dont have to text me back when ya read it :) Therefore, you wont feel bad when letting me down :) I made a snowman of you today :) and i also gave it a heart, the heart from me:D So that she will always feel warm, the warmth from my heart hah :) Even though her heart is already belong to someone else... but it's me ^^ I want to make you warm as i can make the snowman warm:D

Love you so much!!!!!

Early bday present for you hah...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 58th...

Time goes fast hah ....
1 month and a half that you left here... Do you know that distance only make me love you and miss you more? guess ya not hah... I really cant get you out of my head ... 
How are you going now? Let me guess ... ya going well, you are good mah :) you are a strong girl, not like me (_ _") 
It's been 2 weeks since i last wrote something for our secret hah?
You know why they call somewhere a secret place? Because it's a place why only you know, only you come to hide yourself... and here will be the place where i hide myself from you hah?
Ya sick... im really worry for you ... and you left without saying good luck to me even though you know im in a tough time, need someone to cheer me up... but ... you went out and have fun with him ... ya two are getting closer, im glad to know so:) but also hurt a lot ... Yup, time has gone, distance has been set, why i still love you so much? And it's getting deeper... and why your love for me is getting less and less... I can feel it whenever we talk ... 

Anw... i still love you so much nah:) Wont let you know abt what's happening to my heart ... This will be my only secret place ... place where i put all the pains, leave it behind and continue making you smile hah ... 

It's getting colder here... nights are freezing ...
And i miss you all the time...

Love you...

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 42th...

It's been a long time hah? I wont give up on our secret, i wont give up on us...
But recently there were a lot of things happened hah?
Honey, you know there were so many thing happened around me?  I still stand straight cuz i know i have to be strong for you to against on... but then i was so so stupid to make that decision that really separate us away somehow hah? Now i can even you ya far away from me nah...
I miss you so so much... And to day i know how much you loved me, how much i loved you, how much we loved each other... glad to know so even though we hurt each other so much right?
It's worth... life is unfair to me somehow... but since you came, i can feel that god compensate me by bringing you to me!

I love you so much!
I know i have to be your friend now... but i will be beside you for always, with my love, but on behave of a friend....
I will try ^^ If that makes you happy!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 34th..

How to start this now? Do you have any idea, honey?
Really now i'm so emotional... too much feeling...
hm... Let me start by telling you about my today hah?...
So i woke up today earlier than normal cuz i know today is they day you come back ^^ In fact i had an early filming this morning for the banquet's entertainment. And i wore business suit this morning, i was completely different hah:D The whole time i kept waiting for you you know? but ... i dont know why ... i guess i cant feel normal when ya back ... cus i guess it's time for me to tell you what i decided...
Honey ah ... you know how much i love you right? Guess you can feel it somehow mah ... And how much do i expect you come back and tell me that you miss me too... but no... i know i am not allowed to expect something like that for now since to you we are only friends... i dont know how can you do it but really, i cant ... i just ... love you too much i guess ... i cant hold it ... and i cant hold it like this as well ... since he's the only thing in your mind ... all of your decision is abt "he doesnt want me to leave","he wants me to stay" ... And you know how much i hurt myself everytime that i think of you and him? Ya know i miss you so much in that seven days ... but also, i cant get rid of the thought that in those 7 days you text to him a lot ... there will be a lot of love ... as before when ya travel with me... you announced him wherever you go... it's like that is a part of you ... and yes ... i am jealous, i am always selfish... but i love you so that i am like that... i do feel happy for you if you are really happy ... seriously! but somewhere in my heart, it hurts a lot! I know you tried to hide me a lot ... but it even hurt me more cuz i know.... "Just be honest to me" mah ...
And it even worst since you said you love me ... but you did nothing for it, instead, all you do is to let it be ... it's not what you told you will do ... but it's ok... if we really mean to be, then we will right? And you will tell me that three words which you whispered into my ears in the airport again right? And we will overcome everything to reach our dreams together if you still remember it somehow...
But i am sorry... for now i cant hold it... I will still help you ... but for now i guess there's nothing else i could help hah? You had your offers, you had everything's right there for you ... if you need anything, let he be the one who help you... Yup, im pushing you to him :) I am doing it now...
Just an advice, do what you want, if you find him will be your final destination then do things for him! As your heart is followed, you wont have to worry that you might regret in the future. An advice that i always tell you hah? BE BRAVE HONEY HAH!

"Kiss me, good bye, gone to soon I did give you my heart can't deny
Hold on, let go, never sure
Only can make believe all this time

Coffee, cigarettes, not my style
Petty faces around but not rhymed
Don't cry, can't cry, I won't cry
Be with you I just close my eyes
So far alway I can hardly make you mine
So long the day you are always on my mind
But in my dreams never try to hold you tight
Don't wanna awake find you aren't here by my side

So far alway I can hardly make you mine
So long the day you are always on my mind
But in my dreams never try to hold you tight
Don't wanna awake find you aren't here by my side

When I wake up hope you were here by my side…"

Listen to the song again hah^^

I love you...

(This entry would be my temporary goodbye hah ... i will wait for you )

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 33th..

Honey hah...
One week already nah... where r ya?
Miss you til almost die already nah ...
Tell you about my today hah? Today was my awesome day lol=)) i spent 10 hours inside a room to study :> i dont know why i could be that hardworking lol=)) but i finished almost all of my projects already :D
See how good am i?
Anw, how's your vacation? Everything's ok? guess ya had a lot of fun as well as pictures hah... cant wait until you tell me all of that :D

Love and miss you so much!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 32th..

Honey ah... so one month we have our secret alive hah:p but it's been a long time since ya last wrote this with me hah....
I really miss you you know?...
So so long time since ya last text me as well hah... guess ya wont miss me like before hah... but no matter what happen, you will always be in my heart! That's i swear ^^
Today i was really smashed by chineses=.= they crushed me when played basket ball... now my back is hurt, my ankles are hurt as well... but it was so so nice that i could play basket ball again like that ^^ But do you remember the time we play together? So so happy that time hah ^^
Again... No one can make me miss that much when im on the course like that... wherever i go, whatever i do  i miss you...

Do you feel the same?

Love you so much !

Day 31th..

Honey nah ...
Today me and my  student went to eat banquet in my school... lol ... they got me drink a lot hah :D They booked a table and pull me go with them without telling me anything (_ _")
I had cute students hah, and also im a really cute teacher nah :P

Miss you so much.... only 2 days left and ya home hah ^^ Wondering will you say miss me after those 7 days ... cuz i do.... and i will say so for sure...

Love you so much

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 30th...

Honey ah ....

I miss you nah ....
I really feel like nothing's beside me now nah :(
You're not here.... my dad had an accident, now even i argue with my roommates ....
Where are you now??? I was always there beside you when you need me mah? right? but i guess you will now spend more time with him really hah... you two are getting closer hah... so really i should step back now...
Anw, still tell you about my today hah :)
Today i was complimented by teachers hah :D They also say i have the potential to bright up the atmosphere, bright up others and make them smile ^^ that makes me miss you more...
And then i had a quiz about computer class which i finish in 5 mins=)) 30 mins before .... the lecture just come and ask me to leave=)) cuz he knows i can do it more than he expect :D
Then about the tutor time hah:D I have to buy them chips today, im now bankrupt nah *Shy*... but happiest bankrupted man ever :D

Anw... wish ya somewhere around me again... hate that i have to be alone again ...
but we will get through everything right:D

Love you a lot !!

Day 29th...

Aaa... Honey ah......... i miss you so much ...
Ya so so bad T.T At lease you have to find somewhere to write me an email to tell me that you're ok hah?
You know everyday i wait and hope that you would also text me like you text him?...
I know im not that important... i will leave right when i can... just for now... really need you beside me...
You skip your promise so i think there wont be a chance for me anymore hah... All i can do now is to wish you happy....
Btw, my today was ok... no classes in the morning, afternoon with French lesson and Human Resources was quite ok :-?? Nothing much happen... And i've just won my student again so this friday i will get another free chips from them:D

Tell me about your day nah... what did you do? did you enjoy it? Looking forward to hearing from ya nah :)

Miss you here...

Love you

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 28th ...

Hi honey... 
Are you missing me now? Or are you dreaming about me now?
I m missing you like crazy nah  .... Hate ya so much you know ... don't even try to contact me ... T.T
Anw, my today was quite good! Lessons were ok ^^ and i had free chips from my students :D But next week i have to buy them bubble tea T.T im gonna die .....
Tell ya this hah, today i played basket ball as well nah... and you know what? I miss the time that we play together.... miss the moment that i see your eyes watching me playing .... damn .... will we have those time again?

Love you so much...

Day 27th...

A long day for me since ya not there to chit chat with me anymore hah...
I miss you so so much honey ah...
What will you be after this 7 long days? We will see hah ^^

Anw, my today was quite nice you know? I dont know why but my head is so bright today that i could think everything so fast like a machine:>
I can go early than the rest of the class for 1h30 while the lesson should last for 2 hours=)) just because i finished everything so so fast:D
Then the meeting and other projects i also do it really like a robot:D buff buff buff and i finish my part...
And you know what, my students lost last week so basically tomorrow i will have free chips from them:> hehe, Kent wont get bankrupt as you think hah.. in return, i had their respect and also their love:D i didnt mean love love hah=.= i just mean they all like me:D Im cute mah:D

Miss you honey ah...


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Day 26th...

Honey ah... you are so so bad you know?
Completely 2 days  dont even text me ... why before you can spend money text with him and now you cant even spent 1 mess to send me that ya ok or ya missing me? I hoped, i had been waiting... Miss you so so much..
And now you again have to go away for 7 days.... such a long long time for me .... 7 days without talking to you would be like hell ................................................... I DONT WANT THIS T.T stay home mah ...
But anw, honey ah .... i think i will have to make a decision... A  decision that would be good for you...

Love you so much...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 25th

Day 25th...
Quite fast hah? Almost one month we have this already nah :D
Today ya went to your grand parents' house hah? Bad June... i feel so jealous when he is always your everything... even every decision you make you fave to consider about him... and now... even wherever you go... you still need to contact him... not me?

Am i still some where in your heart?
Tell you this nah... Ya always in mine <3

Today, im a really lazy Kent! Stay on bed and in my room the whole day... i think god knows it would be a sad day for me so he make it rained today ... Cold and wet... both me and weather... miss you!!

Love you ...

Day 24th...

Honey ah ....
Today i really start to confuse so much about us... what should i do now? ...

It's a boring day that i just know my dad got an accident and now he's in the hospital... no ones home tell me... thank god that i talked to my nephew... I feel lonely now nah ... where are you?

My today is really dark...

Love you...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 23th...

Honey ah ...
Tell ya about my today hah... You are so bad that just go away and dont talk to me like that... you know how much i love you and miss you? I waited for ya...
Other things are ok... i had my second accounting class and i set a rule for us... who lose in a bet will have to buy snack for the whole class:D Im smart hah! like this i wont be bankrupt as you always say :p
Im still a little bit headache and sorethroat nah... but im ok ^^
Miss you ....
How about your today?

Love you so much!...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 22th...

 i guess i cant do it again hah... when in the morning when i woke up... i saw your message with your voice text... it's just so so cute that i cant resist it.... In front of you... i always become so so soft ...
Anw ... so good to start a day like that ... warm in heart ...
1 week ya home hah? Miss me? still love me like before? i shouldnt ask hah... you now would better be with him ... he can take care of you ... while i cant...

Abt my today hah... my tutor lesson was awesome today hah :> i got all girls in class ;;)
but just they are not as pretty as you ... or because i love you so much that no one can be more beautiful than you in my eyes? anw =.= to teach girls about computer was really horrible :|
I got headache nah ... sore throat as well ... but dont worry hah:> im still good to work hard on our dreams!

Love you so much!

P.s: I miss you...

Day 21th...

Honey ah...

I miss you so so much...
Tell you a little bit about my today getting busy now so i will just write really short hah...
Today the only special thing to me is I first become a tutor in accounting:>
I got 5 girls and 2 boys in my class... and the first thing when i come in the room is " wow, we got a really cute teacher " =.= And after that they really made me become cute by being cute them self :|

And really ... i think i should walk away from ya hah... if love for you is just a hormone that last 3 months only then .... i guess i would have to let that 3months earlier .... so that you can be happy over there with your "family" ...
I just love you so much... and what i learned is that... sometimes love is not only fight to be with someone... sometimes we need to see that if you can make that someone happy or not? and are you the right one .... 
i have to let you choose hah... make you decision to choose the right one... or treat the wrong one in the right  way ...
Hope that one day you will follow your heart than to consider it as a hormone...

Love you!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 20...

Day 20...
Honey ah... why do i feel like ya so far recently?
Tell me it isnt so hah... tell me it is just because i think so... just because we dont have a love of time together hah....
Today you went out with him hah... So i think from now on you two will warm up your love hah...
Will there be a chance for me?
Nvm hah... as long as you are happy then i will be happy as well! I wont let you see crying Kent anm nah:D I will keep all the hurt inside and watch ya happy beside him as a closed friend hah....
Hope that you still consider me important somewhere inside your heart or your head...
My today is quite boring honey ah .... Class home class home class.... nothing to do for me i guess... miss you so so much... what should i do?

Miss you so much....


Day 19...

Day 19...
I hate today really ....
I didnot tell you this hah... I cried twice today... First time is by tiwi, when she keep asking me about you... she ask me about him ... it hurts me so so much ... and all i can tell her is that now you are not here anymore... so i have to let you go then... at least he can take care of you hah... when i have to stay here... far away from you ... cant do anything for you ... or if there is something then it is just something to hurt you .... and i hurt me as well...
Honey ah ... live happily ... for me as well hah...
Really miss your bunny face :)

About my today hah? All i can say is work work work.... so so busy today that i couldnt even have lunch =.=

And ya? How was your day...

Dont know when will you come back to our secret to answer me... miss you here as well....

Love you, my honey!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 18th

Honey ah ...
I hate you!!
You know since the moment i step on the train to Lausanne... it's like everything just came back to me at the same time.... all our memories from sitting on the train, then bus to work, then work down the hill, the walk to work, work together, leave together and have night meal together... i really miss these day...
You know what? the whole today... i desire to see you.... i desire to have you by my side... I want you to be there till i die...
Anw, after a long time, first day working there was quite exhausted... i cant feel my legs now nah T.T beside missing you the whole day, i also looked for you the whole day... whatever i did, i still used my eyes on searching you *wink* i think for now, it's a habbit of me *smile*

I really miss and love you....

P.s: The feeling inside my heart is much much more than this... but there is always something we can both feel hah  :)

You know... for me, one day without saying "i love you" is so so long ....

Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 17...

Day 17 hah...
Today is the first day after we "break up" as what you said.... For me really, it's a delay cuz i always hope that i could be again beside you :)
Honey ah... my days without you is so so boring.... i cant deny the fact that i still love you... still holding the phone and wait for your message....
You do say that you love me right? then i will wait until that day comes.... when you and me, we will have the best time ever of our life... you have your sweetest guy ever and i have my dearest girl ever...
We will deeply fall in love and nothing can seperate us by then...
This time, this distance will be an instrument that make you realize your love for me... or make you realize that you dont love me.... i dont know:) But i wont give up on us, i will still hope.

Abt my day? Borin... i really tried to have a lot of activities that could make me relax.... and i got the relaxation but still with you in my head.... thinking of you really make me smile, taking to you make me feel warm in my heart and have a sense of safety somehow...

I let you free... so i guess all your heart now is on him hah.... he is really a lucky guy... im jealous... i always hope that it's me and you who have the relationship for that long.... i really hope that it's me who you gonna spend time with, going out with, say sleep tight with a big kiss and 3 magical words every single night....

But i guess so far, im not the man , your heart is missing .... that's why you go away ... i know :)

Love you so so so much!
And i miss you.... i miss us!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 16th

Day 16 ...
I guess from today i will try to write this to you earlier, honey hah :)
I will try to write this before you go to sleep everyday that i can ....

 You seem to have a really nice day hah ...

Its good to know that ya fine with all of that now... i know you need time to get use to it...
but at least... ya still fine with him ... even though it hurts me more than i thought.... i really cant think of anything after that....
But honey ah ... i said that i will accept hah? Then i will accept ... i wont mention anything about me in you in our conversation anymore... keep that only in our secret since it is our secret... share me everything as a best friend hah? For now i guess that is the only way that i can still stay beside you...
But in here, to me, you will still be my sweetest, dearest girl friend hah *wink* I can see that from now on... you wont be able to text with me like before... i waited for ya the whole day... now i clearly see the feeling... this would be the only form of communication that i could reach you somehow hah...

So about my day? Havent ended yet but i think it will be boring again ...
So far all i do is almost the same as yesterday... run in the morning, went to classes, had lunch, class again =.= Nothing really happen to me since ya left....

I really miss you ... but only here hah ...
I love you ... but wish all the best for you and him ...

P.s: still let me call you honey here hah... <3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 15th...

Day 15th...
So now you are home hah? We are so far again ... and even further than before.... How do you feel about this distance? The furthest distance that we've ever had right?.... Me... So unhappy and i cant get use to it!
I miss the feeling when you around me.... I miss the feeling when i can touch you, make you smile and see it shines... I miss the feeling when we walk around together and have fun ... and most... i miss the feeling when i hear you whisper those 3 magical words into my ear... Until now... that moment still remain clearly in my head... whenever i close my eyes... i can see it, really :)

Honey ah ... do you remember anything about our dreams? We will have a small family, in a small house with a big big garden. We will plant flowers around, have the swings for us and for our kids ... we will also have a secret house where we could spend our time together without being disturb by our kids *wink* We will have  a big son and two little daughters... and some pets as well hah :)
I miss all these memories of us ... these moments, we are like a happy couple hah *smile*

But i can see .... you are now starting to step away from me .... no more "honey" part inside the sleep tight .... to be honest .... i didnot expect that ....

Anyway, be happy hah, now you are with your family, with your home .... you can eat familiar chinese food again, live a familiar chinese life, enjoy all what is familiar to you .... and moreover, you will be with "him" as well *smile* be happy hah! you know i always want to see your smile mah :)
<Do me a favor hah .... tell me when you meet him ... and also, tell me if he hurts you or do something that make you unhappy! I will do everything to make you mine then! >

Now is a few things about my today hah... I woke up in the morning with my eyes couldnt open *shame* i think you know why ( i cried last night mah .... and i drank as well ... but not a lot )... then i run around the lake cuz i dont have class in the morning.... then went back, take shower, read today's lessons then go to school. Classes today are boring.... French class had nothing new, Human Resource was a little bit fun but i cant smile (_ _")
Since ya left switzerland, it was raining all the time.... the rain, as you know abt me, pull my mood down a lot .... after finishing the classes, i went to the lake with an umbrella, stood there and recall our memories... they are all beautiful, ya agree?
Then i went back to school, borrow a classroom, prepare for tomorow and also next week tutor's lessons.
I keep staying there until now, when i'm writing all of this for us <3 After this i will go back to my apm and sleep i guess ...
(Just need to add one more thing... the whole day i hold the phone on my hand and wait for you to inform me)
My day is quite boring now hah ....
Tell me about your day soon hah:) I would love to hear from you ...

Honey ah .... Just let me call you honey, honey hah? you will be my only honey, also the only one that im gonna call "honey" ....

I miss you ... miss you like crazy now ... if you dont mind ... tell me if you miss me as well hah *wink*

For sure ya sleeping now .... so if ya wake up and read this, i sent you a big big warm hug for the first new day home ( if you accept ) avec grand amour hah ....
Remember this nah, wherever you wake up and whenever, wake up with a smile on your lips hah! That would be the best way to start a new day, a good motivation to deal with difficulties!

I love you! ( I will always end our secret by saying this! )

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 14th....

So it has been two weeks since i first wrote our secret...
I guess it will be also an end for our "couple time" hah?
From now on, let me call this "the hard time part of our fairy tale" honey hah?
Today, let me cry honey nah.... from tomorrow i will keep my deal with you... but today let me cry ...
We both cried today mah.... i guess til now you felt something right? And i believe that those three words really come from deep inside your heart ... cuz it touched mine ... i had been waiting for these words for so so long ...
You are so so bad you know? why until the last moment you say so? What were you waiting for? and Why?
But anw... thank you so much for finally tell me that ... to be honest ... i was quite surprised when you whispered that onto my ear.... Wish that i could hear that everyday ... ( Just wish ... i know my wishes never come true anw ... lol )
So what now? i have to text you less right? have to step one step back right? yup... i guess i will :) but it does not mean i will stop loving you hah ... i will still love you, still wait for your message all day and night ... i know you will spend time on your family, your "him" ... but sometimes give me a few moments honey hah?

I love you and i will always do!
Let me stop here hah ... i cant see anything now ...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 13th ...

Listen to this song again hah ...
Almost 2 weeks hah ....
Why dont we think of somethink like this earlier hah? So that we can share our moments here earlier....
So last night in swiss already hah? Last night that i have the feeling of having you so so close hah?
Really i dont want this to happen .... I m writing this while i cant see anything with my eyes because of bad tears dont listen to me .... i m writing this while i have to wait for you facing with him (fact) .... while my heart is screaming and my eyes are wet.... You are now so close to me ... but soon ... it will be so far ....
I decided to spend my whole tonight for you ... since i couldnt make it close to you, i have to stick to my phone to text with you ... but the more i stick to it ... the faster i feel the time pass by ... ya seem to be busy tonight ...
Tell you a little bit about my today hah? I woke up quite early to day, 5h45 ... then i walk around til 7h30 ... go home, sit and do nothing until i have to go to school.. Classes are boring, or at least to me, i didnt spend a lot of attention on lessons... all in my mind is you ... People are right when saying that the closer to the day you let someone go, the clearer you know how much you love that someone hah? I dont know how you feel .... but to me it perfectly fits... I ... just love you so so much ...
I was quite happy when i went to see ya! So happy to be with you ( this sentence i said a lot hah, dont get bored! ) And we made it, 32 kg or less hah ... we some how save for you 300CHF <3 no, you save yourself 300CHF, i helped nothing but disturbing you *Shame*
Then i have my presentation which the lecturer can easily says our group is the most professional group today cuz the others are so so suck =.= all they do is read what they copied from online sources.
After that i went and sit again by the lake side ... (you can guess where hah *wink* )
In the eve, i was so happy when i asked you what would be your plan for tonight and you said to stay home and chat with me ... so so happy really ... eventhough it was not what happened but still you spend time for me ^^
So ... that's my today in general ... tell me your "today" if you read it today or just tell me about your " today " at the time you read this hah!

Miss you right now ... a lot ....

Love you so so much!

P.s: Tomorow ... all the time will be ours, honey hah!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 12th

Day 12th ... What a day with so many feelings for us, right honey?Love, happiness, sad, stick, etc.
First thing to say is ya so cute when ya sleep, but i hate your sleeping habit T.T only wanna hug the wall :( leave me alone and cold on the other side of the bed ... But anyway, the feeling of waking up beside you is still so awesome!! Do you feel it? ( typical question hah ) ...
And then is ... our crying time hah ... again, today .... i saw you cry ... sorry honey hah ... that was all my fault ... i cried ... i made you cry ... but you know? That moment i feel really really painful in my heart... i really dont want you to leave ... not even just a little bit ... i just want you to stay here with me, enjoy our days together like we always did ... 
After that we had a bad lunch hah? Except for the sea food salad then the others are so so suck =.= And honey! i know you dont trust me, and you also dont trust your self ... but honey ah ... if there is still even 1% faith on me from you, i will still put all my faith on you! All my love as well ! I will try to make our dreams, our family come true ... of course if we have a chance:)
And if you wanna comment something, from now on, you are only allowed to comment positive thing! I dont want you to thing negative about your life.... as well as about us! So instead of these negative thing that you had in your mind today, think of the brighter day that we would have, honey hah:)
When i sit with you waiting for the train to Leysin, i also feel really sad... i dont want you to go there, cuz anyway, our time is now limited ... i only want to keep ya beside... But i learned of a new way to love someone. You can guess what it is?

Tell you about me when you leave hah ... at came back home, sit on the bed .... watch your stuff .... watch our vids and pics .... play guitar again as you were there .... miss you and wait for your text .... For the first time of my life .... i was not in the mood of eating.... still normal food ... but i just sadly look at them then walk away ... the only thing that i eat is yogurt but your style ( with honey and cereal, banana ) and a glass of medicine...
And right now at the moment ... i'm missing you so much....
I started to borrowed a class room to study from today... Gotta keep myself busy to achieve our dreams hah. Anw, seems like someone is now really busy up there hah :)

I love you!

Day 11th ...

Sorry for writing this quite late hah...
Really ... it was wonderful ... and i think our day we spent all our day together so there's nothing much to say hah....
I love all the time we spend together <3 just that short hah ... cuz ya know how i feel these day mah ...

Love you so so much....

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 10th

Another day passed by hah ...
I hate to count these days like this you know ... i feel like time is now really against me ... i dont wanna say goodbye *wronged*
About my today hah? I always in the mood of waiting til the time to meet you you know? I dont know if ya have the same feeling or not but i really wait for ya....
Classes are ok. Nothing special really happen.... or may be some happened but my mind was with you the whole time so i really dont know :p
And as i told ya, i had been waiting ya the whole day long... that's why i said that 20 mins was really really long ....

And then again... when we were together ... everything was wonderful hah:D i never want to end our time beside each other ...

Wish that i could freeze the time...

Love and miss you!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 9th

Tah tah ^^
Really feel ya closer now you know?
Actually i should have slept hah ... but i suddenly remember that i didnt write something for ya, so i again woke up, turned on my laptop and ... im writing this for you nah *joyful*
How was your today? I guess it was quite bored hah? I know cuz ... so am i (_ _")
Couldnt make it to see you make me so so down and i think ya down as well hah ... I really want to eat that beef tarta *starving*
Tell you a little bit about my today hah ( or should i say yesterday? )
Miss you from the morning til the afternoon, from the moment i open my eyes in the morning til i close it again at night...
Today is the heaviest day of the week... but it's just week 2 so to me it's still quite sleepy ... especially the computer class. we have a new lecturer this year, but he's too kind and too too careful that he teach so so slow and just make me feel asleep=.= all the thing he tought us in 2 hours i could finish it in 2 mins=.=
Microeconomics again is a good one:> kinda like this class and the way the lecturer think. somehow i find it similar to myself :>
And the banquet meeting then i told you hah.... hate them so so much that held the meeting today ... make me have to stay and couldnt come to see you ....

So saturday is our last day together hah ... i dont know but sometimes today i feel like i was lost somewhere .... anw, i have a plan for us on saturday... hope ya gonna enjoy it with me hah :*
I read you stuff ... Im not enjoying my life here anw =.= All i do is what i have to do, finish it fast then turn my head to you... if you really think that i can forget ya soon soon after you leave me then you were wrong, honey ah ... But it also means that you will forget me when you come back right?
Btw, i know when was the last time you feel jealous nah :-" I didn't mean that i have to cook because of her=.= i mean she is the kitchen chef, and she knows that i can cook:| plus that im the only one who she can talk to=)) the rest in kitchen team are ... chinese ...

Love you! Kiss kiss hug hug.
< Guess ya sleeping now hah? then i dont  need to ask for permission now *wink* Hug ya tight nah >


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 8th

Day 8th hah ....
Today will be just a short note hah? Cuz basically i told ya everything when we were together ....

Really miss ya when ya not around ... and really ... can you feel it? The feeling when we are together? Happy, warm, etc. All these miracle feelings will come to us whenever we see each other, right?

Hope that you feel the same.
So so good to be beside you again <3

Love you so so much!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 7th

Day 7th nah ...
Today was so so fucked up >"< The schedule is so so stupid honey ah.... have class from 8-10 then break until 15-17 >"< and have to have lunch at 11h30 so i cant come home in that break :( Spent the whole break in the library and ... miss you ...

I miss the time we spent together in the Library de Lausanne ...
Do you remember all of these?
Beside that time ... classes and life was going normal ... nothing special happened to me ... No, infact there was :D you texted me <3 as always, im so so happy to see the text from you... gotta say, i had been waiting for it all the time *shy* ... though it was not so good ... quite down when ya not having a good time over there... guess that just because i am not there with you hah *wink*, that's the reason you feel bored hah *clap*
And you know, my absent at the Vietnamese meeting make it became a mess lol... now clearly they devided into 2 big group *akward hah* ... haizzz ...
Finally... being with you is still the happiest time that i've ever had ...
I really miss you, my sweetie!

Love you! 
Come back with me soon hah ...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 6th

Another day wake up having you in my arms ... so so relaxful and comfortable...
You are a lazy cat today hah :p but i love you for that as well ... love the way you call me "honey", love the way you insist me to let you continue sleeping ... "15 mins more nah, honey" ... " come closer nah "... " Hand! Hold me nah " ... so so so cute  <3 especially they came out from you with a unresistable sweet voice <3
Really hate ya when ya put all of these make up things on my face you know T.T they made me look so ... GAY *puke*
What next? Special even on the train comes with the period-ache hah? lol, that will really be our secret hah *wink* but you still need to bribe me something to keep my mouth shut! *tricky*
Time was getting more narrow when we got to the hostel hah ... really felt like gotta go really far away from you ... Remember the moment at the train station? Really dont wanna let your hand go ... just want to hold it tight and kiss you more:p
The way back was really long... The longest way back i've ever had i guess *wronged* Miss ya the whole long way... kept looking into my phone and see when i would have 3G to text with you ... so so long T.T

Just want to let you know ... I MISS YOU!!

Love you more than yesterday <3

Day 5th

Day 5th

Did ya sleep tight, my honey? I did! The feeling when holding you sleep, wake up beside you and seeing you sleep are all undescribable ... Have i ever told ya that ya really like an angel when you sleep? That wonderful moment, i will never ever forget it! They are something more than words... And i think one day... One day you will feel it... Or you felt it but you did not tell me :p

We again had a good time today hah? Walking together ( hand in hand hah ), sitting on the train, playing games, visiting the castle, being prince and princess by sitting on a carriage... So close right?

But one more time ... "him" ... i have to see you text him ... see you holding the phone waiting for his message ... annouced him wherever you go or whatever you do ... That's SAD ... and to be honest... im JEALOUS :) I really want to have the same :p
Anw, im happy with what i have now:) I will always get your back, stay by your side ... Just dont get me wrong and forget me hah, HONEY :)

Love you!

Day 4th

We had a really nice eve yesterday hah:)
I always want to have a life like that you know? Hand holding, walking around, talking, sharing ... Things go softly and tenderly ... just simple as we did :)
I was so so excited to go to Munich with ya... almost cant sleep because of that *shy* ... Woke up early, running around awhile to prepare *wink* catched the train to Lausanne to do early shoping for my princess ... then take her to the train station and enjoy the trip:)
Last trip together, Last trip spending time together hah...
We walked, Talked, Cooked, Had fun, Watched movies, Slept .... Everything went awesome to me... Except for one thing... him...
But i have to accpet everything if i want to be with you hah? I accepted it... but you know? My heart still get hurt... That pain is growing bigger and bigger, when "that day" come closer....

Still love ya so!

Friday, September 7, 2012

3rd day

Today i will write this a lil bit earlier hah :p cuz im gonna be with you soon soon <3 and now im so so excited!!
You know why? Today is the first time ever you say "I miss you" to me, without being asked for it, without being threaten by me, without a push from me...
To me, it's totally a suprised, an amazing feeling when i read that you know? You make my heart beat, and also stop it at the same time ... You are so AWESOME, my SWEETIE *kiss kiss*
My today is quite normal... guess that i already got used to the fact that im now back to school... just one thing i cant get use to it is that im no longer stay "10-mins-walk" away from you...
But today i wake up and read the mess, ya so cute :D ya like dancing and running around when i slept and ya cant, have that imagine inside my mind and feel so so warm...
Cant wait to see how's your today hah :p guess it's gonna be another lazy cat day *wink*

Im coming to you <3

 Wait for me hah, honey <3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2nd day

Another day ended hah ...
Today we had an wonderful start, agree?
" when i wake up, hope you are here by my side " ...
That feeling followed the whole day you know? It made me couldnt wait to see ya in the evening... And once more, i love all moments that we spent together! They really make my heart beat!
Wish that everyday we will have the same feeling ... <3 Really warm and happy hah :)

Tell ya a little bit abt my day hah?
Thank to you that i could get to school on time=.= All classes were so so nice, i dont know why but i feel like today i was really in a good good mood to do whatever i want<3 except for one thing ... i slept anytime that i could, even 1 min *lol* ...
I thought i could come to you earlier today (_ _") sorry for making you have to wait for so so long hah ... But that group meeting was horrible=.= completely a mess :| cant get to the same direction T.T hope that things will get better hah *wink*

Miss you...
And love you a lot, my honey *kiss*

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st day...

So i start our secret from today hah :)
First day we are far away ... at least further than 10mins walk ( feeling hah )
The feeling is diffirent right? Especially when we just back from our wonderful holiday with so so many fun :)
The whole eve, all i did was to look at your lovely pics and miss you...
Remember you agree with me that you will tell me when you miss me hah! i will wait for that :)

Just be honest with me:)

P.s: Everyday i will write a short note like this ... it doesn't mean i dont have anything to say, it is just i save it to write everyday ^^
Love ya!