Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 62nd...

A big disappointed...
You know what? i really feel down down when you tell me that... You know why i ask you about your day mah? It's not that i want you to report me anything... i dont need that, you do whatever you want anw, i never force ya to do any thing right? So that question is just something that i use for us to talk more!! Cuz you know why? Since ya came back to China, you r so cold to me! You talk to me less and less... you care for me less and less as well... What i want is to be with you, to share with you... to give you as much time as i can... I know for now im nothing to ya but it doesnt mean we're stop loving each other!!....
And if ya stop loving me already then please tell me... so that i will set ya free from my heart...
And i cant even shout at you... that's why i chose to be silent for a while... anw you have to sleep mah, right?
I always be there for ya, always got your back... but how can i do it if ya push me away?

Still a magic for ya today hah? Even it seems to be too unreal for you or whatever...
Im whispering onto your ears when ya sleep nah: "I love you honey ah:), See ya in our dreams hah, where we belong together ..."

This is magic today but it's also what i do everyday to keep my heart loving you :) Whispering to myself and hope it's gonna come to your ears...

Love you more than yesterday<3

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