Friday, December 14, 2012


i was always there for you ... and you know i did! but after all i dont know what is it between us! i hoped a lot, i loved a lot and also hurt a lot...this is not smthing you called a "pay back"! Cuz if i do, you will even feel worse!

You said now you want to be beside me? then what is it now? you had him, your family, even your best friends! and you told me there are something you cannot tell both of them then tell your friends! Why me? I am not tired of this because i would love to hear everything you said, but it made me hope so much... and then what left is pain!

You told me it's so hurt that you can hardly breath... so do i... and it is not the first time for me! But please! Think again and tell me why you have all of those feelings for me?... when ya ready or know it, add me again in wechat if you really can throw things away to tell me that like i did to you! I will be waiting... you know that i always love you mah... right? But it is just, smtime, my love is not that good for you... and if you decide to choose one love! Believe me or not, have faith in it and it will never bring you down!

What im trying to do now is close myself.... or should i say shut myself down ... i wont fight for love anymore from now on... i guess you were  right... the more we fight for it, the more painful we will feel... so love the one who love you would be an easy and safe choice hah :) Now i know why you choose to live like that somehow... and also i was so so down that before... you tried to comment on every post that i made... now i can easily see that you changed a lot that you didnot even comment on one post if you dont want to tell me smthing...

And about the delete part... i just cant stop loving you if i keep seeing you there and texting with you! Anw, you also deleted me once... not me but my post to be exact...


  1. U ask why I tell u all these shit that I can't tell sm1 else? Coz u r the one that i really trust and believe I can rely on. Sorry if that bother u.
    U ask me to think again what's between us, I can tell u I don't need to, every single word I said at airport is still true.But ya right, I just miss the faith.
    U said I v changed and that's not true, u just c the part of June u won't like. I m always too lazy to post anything. But I always check here as long as I m free. Few times a day maybe...
    But one thing u r right, deleting me is a good thing for u, since all I brought u is pain and pain. Life would be better without me hah.
    K... I guess that's it.

  2. i knew why you told me all of these things that you cannot tell anyone else! that question is for you to think again abt us but not for you to answer it!
    And i said! If every single word you said at the airport is still true the proof it to me! You know that i still check wechat every single moment and wait for you to add me again and tell me that you love me? You know how many time i read this blog a day and wait for your comments? You know how many time a day i see your pics and whisper to myself about you? How many times i pass by your facebook a day? It sounds that im really addicted to you right? and i do... i really do... cant deny that i miss you all the time! But it means nothing since you just ignore it!
    And if you really think that you cannot do anything like giving up on something just to be with me then yup, deleting you is a good choice for me! I always try to be with you cuz i believe that i can make a change on you, i can make you happy no matter how far away we are... But you know... love cannot exist if it comes only from one side...
    i always think you are a special girl... i wont regret that i did felt in love with you... but you know? I also wont regret to give up on a girl who dont want to fight for the love i gave her...
    So think... i will still be waiting ...

  3. I really hope that we don't have to do this, u really need to push that hard? but since u said that's what u want and good for u. Then I guess here we r. Sorry if I can't add u back coz i can't make any commitment right now...

  4. k, be happy hah my sweetest girlfriend ever.... always smile as well cuz when ya smile ya really beautiful... i love you... love you more than you've ever known, more than you can imagine... but im sorry, i am not a safe place for you to bet your life on... wish you all the best with your job there, your family and ... with him too...
    Love you...

    Good bye
