Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 4th

We had a really nice eve yesterday hah:)
I always want to have a life like that you know? Hand holding, walking around, talking, sharing ... Things go softly and tenderly ... just simple as we did :)
I was so so excited to go to Munich with ya... almost cant sleep because of that *shy* ... Woke up early, running around awhile to prepare *wink* catched the train to Lausanne to do early shoping for my princess ... then take her to the train station and enjoy the trip:)
Last trip together, Last trip spending time together hah...
We walked, Talked, Cooked, Had fun, Watched movies, Slept .... Everything went awesome to me... Except for one thing... him...
But i have to accpet everything if i want to be with you hah? I accepted it... but you know? My heart still get hurt... That pain is growing bigger and bigger, when "that day" come closer....

Still love ya so!


  1. It was quite nice hah, nice like normal couple. But really, I don't want you accept that at all. It's so unfair to everyone. Sorry for my selfish.

  2. trust me... i dont wanna accept it at all... lol but since we dont have much time left, i want us to spend it together...
