Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 32th..

Honey ah... so one month we have our secret alive hah:p but it's been a long time since ya last wrote this with me hah....
I really miss you you know?...
So so long time since ya last text me as well hah... guess ya wont miss me like before hah... but no matter what happen, you will always be in my heart! That's i swear ^^
Today i was really smashed by chineses=.= they crushed me when played basket ball... now my back is hurt, my ankles are hurt as well... but it was so so nice that i could play basket ball again like that ^^ But do you remember the time we play together? So so happy that time hah ^^
Again... No one can make me miss that much when im on the course like that... wherever i go, whatever i do  i miss you...

Do you feel the same?

Love you so much !

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