Friday, September 7, 2012

3rd day

Today i will write this a lil bit earlier hah :p cuz im gonna be with you soon soon <3 and now im so so excited!!
You know why? Today is the first time ever you say "I miss you" to me, without being asked for it, without being threaten by me, without a push from me...
To me, it's totally a suprised, an amazing feeling when i read that you know? You make my heart beat, and also stop it at the same time ... You are so AWESOME, my SWEETIE *kiss kiss*
My today is quite normal... guess that i already got used to the fact that im now back to school... just one thing i cant get use to it is that im no longer stay "10-mins-walk" away from you...
But today i wake up and read the mess, ya so cute :D ya like dancing and running around when i slept and ya cant, have that imagine inside my mind and feel so so warm...
Cant wait to see how's your today hah :p guess it's gonna be another lazy cat day *wink*

Im coming to you <3

 Wait for me hah, honey <3

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