Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Day 27th...

A long day for me since ya not there to chit chat with me anymore hah...
I miss you so so much honey ah...
What will you be after this 7 long days? We will see hah ^^

Anw, my today was quite nice you know? I dont know why but my head is so bright today that i could think everything so fast like a machine:>
I can go early than the rest of the class for 1h30 while the lesson should last for 2 hours=)) just because i finished everything so so fast:D
Then the meeting and other projects i also do it really like a robot:D buff buff buff and i finish my part...
And you know what, my students lost last week so basically tomorrow i will have free chips from them:> hehe, Kent wont get bankrupt as you think hah.. in return, i had their respect and also their love:D i didnt mean love love hah=.= i just mean they all like me:D Im cute mah:D

Miss you honey ah...


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