Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 18th

Honey ah ...
I hate you!!
You know since the moment i step on the train to Lausanne... it's like everything just came back to me at the same time.... all our memories from sitting on the train, then bus to work, then work down the hill, the walk to work, work together, leave together and have night meal together... i really miss these day...
You know what? the whole today... i desire to see you.... i desire to have you by my side... I want you to be there till i die...
Anw, after a long time, first day working there was quite exhausted... i cant feel my legs now nah T.T beside missing you the whole day, i also looked for you the whole day... whatever i did, i still used my eyes on searching you *wink* i think for now, it's a habbit of me *smile*

I really miss and love you....

P.s: The feeling inside my heart is much much more than this... but there is always something we can both feel hah  :)

You know... for me, one day without saying "i love you" is so so long ....

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