Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 20...

Day 20...
Honey ah... why do i feel like ya so far recently?
Tell me it isnt so hah... tell me it is just because i think so... just because we dont have a love of time together hah....
Today you went out with him hah... So i think from now on you two will warm up your love hah...
Will there be a chance for me?
Nvm hah... as long as you are happy then i will be happy as well! I wont let you see crying Kent anm nah:D I will keep all the hurt inside and watch ya happy beside him as a closed friend hah....
Hope that you still consider me important somewhere inside your heart or your head...
My today is quite boring honey ah .... Class home class home class.... nothing to do for me i guess... miss you so so much... what should i do?

Miss you so much....


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