Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 15th...

Day 15th...
So now you are home hah? We are so far again ... and even further than before.... How do you feel about this distance? The furthest distance that we've ever had right?.... Me... So unhappy and i cant get use to it!
I miss the feeling when you around me.... I miss the feeling when i can touch you, make you smile and see it shines... I miss the feeling when we walk around together and have fun ... and most... i miss the feeling when i hear you whisper those 3 magical words into my ear... Until now... that moment still remain clearly in my head... whenever i close my eyes... i can see it, really :)

Honey ah ... do you remember anything about our dreams? We will have a small family, in a small house with a big big garden. We will plant flowers around, have the swings for us and for our kids ... we will also have a secret house where we could spend our time together without being disturb by our kids *wink* We will have  a big son and two little daughters... and some pets as well hah :)
I miss all these memories of us ... these moments, we are like a happy couple hah *smile*

But i can see .... you are now starting to step away from me .... no more "honey" part inside the sleep tight .... to be honest .... i didnot expect that ....

Anyway, be happy hah, now you are with your family, with your home .... you can eat familiar chinese food again, live a familiar chinese life, enjoy all what is familiar to you .... and moreover, you will be with "him" as well *smile* be happy hah! you know i always want to see your smile mah :)
<Do me a favor hah .... tell me when you meet him ... and also, tell me if he hurts you or do something that make you unhappy! I will do everything to make you mine then! >

Now is a few things about my today hah... I woke up in the morning with my eyes couldnt open *shame* i think you know why ( i cried last night mah .... and i drank as well ... but not a lot )... then i run around the lake cuz i dont have class in the morning.... then went back, take shower, read today's lessons then go to school. Classes today are boring.... French class had nothing new, Human Resource was a little bit fun but i cant smile (_ _")
Since ya left switzerland, it was raining all the time.... the rain, as you know abt me, pull my mood down a lot .... after finishing the classes, i went to the lake with an umbrella, stood there and recall our memories... they are all beautiful, ya agree?
Then i went back to school, borrow a classroom, prepare for tomorow and also next week tutor's lessons.
I keep staying there until now, when i'm writing all of this for us <3 After this i will go back to my apm and sleep i guess ...
(Just need to add one more thing... the whole day i hold the phone on my hand and wait for you to inform me)
My day is quite boring now hah ....
Tell me about your day soon hah:) I would love to hear from you ...

Honey ah .... Just let me call you honey, honey hah? you will be my only honey, also the only one that im gonna call "honey" ....

I miss you ... miss you like crazy now ... if you dont mind ... tell me if you miss me as well hah *wink*

For sure ya sleeping now .... so if ya wake up and read this, i sent you a big big warm hug for the first new day home ( if you accept ) avec grand amour hah ....
Remember this nah, wherever you wake up and whenever, wake up with a smile on your lips hah! That would be the best way to start a new day, a good motivation to deal with difficulties!

I love you! ( I will always end our secret by saying this! )

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