Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 13th ...

Listen to this song again hah ...
Almost 2 weeks hah ....
Why dont we think of somethink like this earlier hah? So that we can share our moments here earlier....
So last night in swiss already hah? Last night that i have the feeling of having you so so close hah?
Really i dont want this to happen .... I m writing this while i cant see anything with my eyes because of bad tears dont listen to me .... i m writing this while i have to wait for you facing with him (fact) .... while my heart is screaming and my eyes are wet.... You are now so close to me ... but soon ... it will be so far ....
I decided to spend my whole tonight for you ... since i couldnt make it close to you, i have to stick to my phone to text with you ... but the more i stick to it ... the faster i feel the time pass by ... ya seem to be busy tonight ...
Tell you a little bit about my today hah? I woke up quite early to day, 5h45 ... then i walk around til 7h30 ... go home, sit and do nothing until i have to go to school.. Classes are boring, or at least to me, i didnt spend a lot of attention on lessons... all in my mind is you ... People are right when saying that the closer to the day you let someone go, the clearer you know how much you love that someone hah? I dont know how you feel .... but to me it perfectly fits... I ... just love you so so much ...
I was quite happy when i went to see ya! So happy to be with you ( this sentence i said a lot hah, dont get bored! ) And we made it, 32 kg or less hah ... we some how save for you 300CHF <3 no, you save yourself 300CHF, i helped nothing but disturbing you *Shame*
Then i have my presentation which the lecturer can easily says our group is the most professional group today cuz the others are so so suck =.= all they do is read what they copied from online sources.
After that i went and sit again by the lake side ... (you can guess where hah *wink* )
In the eve, i was so happy when i asked you what would be your plan for tonight and you said to stay home and chat with me ... so so happy really ... eventhough it was not what happened but still you spend time for me ^^
So ... that's my today in general ... tell me your "today" if you read it today or just tell me about your " today " at the time you read this hah!

Miss you right now ... a lot ....

Love you so so much!

P.s: Tomorow ... all the time will be ours, honey hah!

1 comment:

  1. Read what u write is really tough for me coz it made my heart stop beating, felt like can't breath.Seems our reaction are opposite coz u always say it make ur heart beat. Today basically u know everything. Say sorry for me if I bring ur roommate too much inconvenience.And it's so nice to see all these photos again,I feel like all these things just happened ystd.But I really don't wanna bring a heavy mood to leave Swiss even there's so much wonderful memory here. I think we all gonna have a new life soon, so why we don't take it as a gift and change a more positive attitude. About today i ask u what if I disappear, I don't think I will do that if I m still alive, but for all the things that we had, I think I will keep it deep inside, I will treasure it but I won't touch it till time comes. I think u know what I mean right? Really hope u will do the same thing coz I think it's the best for both of us. And don't forget our deal that u promised u will live a happy life hah. U really deserve that.
