Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 10th

Another day passed by hah ...
I hate to count these days like this you know ... i feel like time is now really against me ... i dont wanna say goodbye *wronged*
About my today hah? I always in the mood of waiting til the time to meet you you know? I dont know if ya have the same feeling or not but i really wait for ya....
Classes are ok. Nothing special really happen.... or may be some happened but my mind was with you the whole time so i really dont know :p
And as i told ya, i had been waiting ya the whole day long... that's why i said that 20 mins was really really long ....

And then again... when we were together ... everything was wonderful hah:D i never want to end our time beside each other ...

Wish that i could freeze the time...

Love and miss you!

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