Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 7th

Day 7th nah ...
Today was so so fucked up >"< The schedule is so so stupid honey ah.... have class from 8-10 then break until 15-17 >"< and have to have lunch at 11h30 so i cant come home in that break :( Spent the whole break in the library and ... miss you ...

I miss the time we spent together in the Library de Lausanne ...
Do you remember all of these?
Beside that time ... classes and life was going normal ... nothing special happened to me ... No, infact there was :D you texted me <3 as always, im so so happy to see the text from you... gotta say, i had been waiting for it all the time *shy* ... though it was not so good ... quite down when ya not having a good time over there... guess that just because i am not there with you hah *wink*, that's the reason you feel bored hah *clap*
And you know, my absent at the Vietnamese meeting make it became a mess lol... now clearly they devided into 2 big group *akward hah* ... haizzz ...
Finally... being with you is still the happiest time that i've ever had ...
I really miss you, my sweetie!

Love you! 
Come back with me soon hah ...

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, Kent is a hard working good boy hah, stay whole break in the library.I m coming back soon^^
