Monday, September 24, 2012

Day 19...

Day 19...
I hate today really ....
I didnot tell you this hah... I cried twice today... First time is by tiwi, when she keep asking me about you... she ask me about him ... it hurts me so so much ... and all i can tell her is that now you are not here anymore... so i have to let you go then... at least he can take care of you hah... when i have to stay here... far away from you ... cant do anything for you ... or if there is something then it is just something to hurt you .... and i hurt me as well...
Honey ah ... live happily ... for me as well hah...
Really miss your bunny face :)

About my today hah? All i can say is work work work.... so so busy today that i couldnt even have lunch =.=

And ya? How was your day...

Dont know when will you come back to our secret to answer me... miss you here as well....

Love you, my honey!

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