Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 61st

haha... honey ah... you know how many bottles that two of us finished?
a lot hah? so im writing this while im really now good at all... there are so many stars in front of my eyes hah:D
I asked you for 5 mins in you bday hah? All you said is or you will spend it on him, or your friensd or leave it to your family!! So there's no me inside you plan at all hah? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHA... How stupid i am when spending all the time on you .... lmao...
But anw, i love you so i will the that stupid until i can stop loving you..
But i dont know when's that day yet... but so far.. i just love you more and more everyday:D
i had a quite boring day without anything special....

how about you? It should be a good day hha?

Love you more than yesterday! You drunk beloved!

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