Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Strange feeling...

A feeling that is different hah...
That's what i am gonna say about our closest talk...
I dont know but when we talk softly like that... i can feel a connection... It's not too fast, its not too slow, but it's warm... it doesnt change the beat of my heart, but its like bring life to it...

And silly June ah...
Since you go back to China, i know that i cant lean on you anymore... i have to stand on my own :) there is always some kinds of feeling that you wont tell and wont share anyone right? And same to me... there's something that i cant tell anyone, except for the one can make me feel love... You do make me feel so, but you deny it or somehow you avoid it... that's why i cant tell... Not exactly that's why i cant tell ... i dont know how to explain it now...
And honey ah... i cant stop loving you, that's why i will always care abt you! you knew it right?
But tell you nah... to love you like that, there is so many opposite feelings and thoughts inside my head and my heart which fight all the time... You can say i am changeable, or easy to change, or i am like a girl (lol), but you might not understand my feeling... to a lucky and lovely girl like you, i dont think you are suffered by this much, but i am... plus im the kind of guy who always want to bring the one i love a feeling of safe and warm... I do know that girls dont want that, i am me, cant change lol ... people might fed up with me soon, but i dont ^^

Even there's a lot of thing i cant tell now, even to you, but ya still the only place i can find when i am weak :) even it's just in short-term but it is already more than enough:)

And keep that in your mind nah!! Whatever i said, you said im your safest place to hide once, then i will always be that place of yours!
Love you..

Believe it or not... You are a special girl.. and only you can make me feel that much kind of feeling :)

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