Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 21th...

Honey ah...

I miss you so so much...
Tell you a little bit about my today getting busy now so i will just write really short hah...
Today the only special thing to me is I first become a tutor in accounting:>
I got 5 girls and 2 boys in my class... and the first thing when i come in the room is " wow, we got a really cute teacher " =.= And after that they really made me become cute by being cute them self :|

And really ... i think i should walk away from ya hah... if love for you is just a hormone that last 3 months only then .... i guess i would have to let that 3months earlier .... so that you can be happy over there with your "family" ...
I just love you so much... and what i learned is that... sometimes love is not only fight to be with someone... sometimes we need to see that if you can make that someone happy or not? and are you the right one .... 
i have to let you choose hah... make you decision to choose the right one... or treat the wrong one in the right  way ...
Hope that one day you will follow your heart than to consider it as a hormone...

Love you!

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