Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 42th...

It's been a long time hah? I wont give up on our secret, i wont give up on us...
But recently there were a lot of things happened hah?
Honey, you know there were so many thing happened around me?  I still stand straight cuz i know i have to be strong for you to against on... but then i was so so stupid to make that decision that really separate us away somehow hah? Now i can even you ya far away from me nah...
I miss you so so much... And to day i know how much you loved me, how much i loved you, how much we loved each other... glad to know so even though we hurt each other so much right?
It's worth... life is unfair to me somehow... but since you came, i can feel that god compensate me by bringing you to me!

I love you so much!
I know i have to be your friend now... but i will be beside you for always, with my love, but on behave of a friend....
I will try ^^ If that makes you happy!


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