Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 75th

Dear Honey...

Today i was so so dead lol... i spend almost my whole day on bed :D Really dont know why, just feel like i completely can not do anything... but i spent 1 hour 30 mins at the lake side... that was so cold... and i remember your warmth more... and i think of so many of our memories...  and i realized that i am the coward one... i could not face so many truth...
Even now when you wake up... there is no more me inside your head... sad hah :)
Anw, bad June... you see? Since i stopped asking you... you never tell me anything... just like you ask and i answer... and i want to talk you more... cuz i miss you and love you more and more everyday... and i cant get you out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again... love you more than yesterday <3

Send ya a big hug hah >:D<

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