Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 9th

Tah tah ^^
Really feel ya closer now you know?
Actually i should have slept hah ... but i suddenly remember that i didnt write something for ya, so i again woke up, turned on my laptop and ... im writing this for you nah *joyful*
How was your today? I guess it was quite bored hah? I know cuz ... so am i (_ _")
Couldnt make it to see you make me so so down and i think ya down as well hah ... I really want to eat that beef tarta *starving*
Tell you a little bit about my today hah ( or should i say yesterday? )
Miss you from the morning til the afternoon, from the moment i open my eyes in the morning til i close it again at night...
Today is the heaviest day of the week... but it's just week 2 so to me it's still quite sleepy ... especially the computer class. we have a new lecturer this year, but he's too kind and too too careful that he teach so so slow and just make me feel asleep=.= all the thing he tought us in 2 hours i could finish it in 2 mins=.=
Microeconomics again is a good one:> kinda like this class and the way the lecturer think. somehow i find it similar to myself :>
And the banquet meeting then i told you hah.... hate them so so much that held the meeting today ... make me have to stay and couldnt come to see you ....

So saturday is our last day together hah ... i dont know but sometimes today i feel like i was lost somewhere .... anw, i have a plan for us on saturday... hope ya gonna enjoy it with me hah :*
I read you stuff ... Im not enjoying my life here anw =.= All i do is what i have to do, finish it fast then turn my head to you... if you really think that i can forget ya soon soon after you leave me then you were wrong, honey ah ... But it also means that you will forget me when you come back right?
Btw, i know when was the last time you feel jealous nah :-" I didn't mean that i have to cook because of her=.= i mean she is the kitchen chef, and she knows that i can cook:| plus that im the only one who she can talk to=)) the rest in kitchen team are ... chinese ...

Love you! Kiss kiss hug hug.
< Guess ya sleeping now hah? then i dont  need to ask for permission now *wink* Hug ya tight nah >


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