Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 12th

Day 12th ... What a day with so many feelings for us, right honey?Love, happiness, sad, stick, etc.
First thing to say is ya so cute when ya sleep, but i hate your sleeping habit T.T only wanna hug the wall :( leave me alone and cold on the other side of the bed ... But anyway, the feeling of waking up beside you is still so awesome!! Do you feel it? ( typical question hah ) ...
And then is ... our crying time hah ... again, today .... i saw you cry ... sorry honey hah ... that was all my fault ... i cried ... i made you cry ... but you know? That moment i feel really really painful in my heart... i really dont want you to leave ... not even just a little bit ... i just want you to stay here with me, enjoy our days together like we always did ... 
After that we had a bad lunch hah? Except for the sea food salad then the others are so so suck =.= And honey! i know you dont trust me, and you also dont trust your self ... but honey ah ... if there is still even 1% faith on me from you, i will still put all my faith on you! All my love as well ! I will try to make our dreams, our family come true ... of course if we have a chance:)
And if you wanna comment something, from now on, you are only allowed to comment positive thing! I dont want you to thing negative about your life.... as well as about us! So instead of these negative thing that you had in your mind today, think of the brighter day that we would have, honey hah:)
When i sit with you waiting for the train to Leysin, i also feel really sad... i dont want you to go there, cuz anyway, our time is now limited ... i only want to keep ya beside... But i learned of a new way to love someone. You can guess what it is?

Tell you about me when you leave hah ... at came back home, sit on the bed .... watch your stuff .... watch our vids and pics .... play guitar again as you were there .... miss you and wait for your text .... For the first time of my life .... i was not in the mood of eating.... still normal food ... but i just sadly look at them then walk away ... the only thing that i eat is yogurt but your style ( with honey and cereal, banana ) and a glass of medicine...
And right now at the moment ... i'm missing you so much....
I started to borrowed a class room to study from today... Gotta keep myself busy to achieve our dreams hah. Anw, seems like someone is now really busy up there hah :)

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. How was the yogurt ? U know when u play the guitar, I just recalled all the moment we had before, it was quite nice. And I had the feeling like when we say goodbye Tuesday, it might be a goodbye forever. That's so sad. Anw, I always have faith on u. Ya smart, ya optimistic, ya so so good. It's just the reality is really cruel sometime that we can't fight it. But from now on, we think things in a positive way hah
