Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 8th

Day 8th hah ....
Today will be just a short note hah? Cuz basically i told ya everything when we were together ....

Really miss ya when ya not around ... and really ... can you feel it? The feeling when we are together? Happy, warm, etc. All these miracle feelings will come to us whenever we see each other, right?

Hope that you feel the same.
So so good to be beside you again <3

Love you so so much!


  1. It was so so nice to see you again so that I was keep thinking when can we have the feeling again after next departure?

  2. Seems ya don't have any interest to write something today hah... So I write what I want to say here. U still don't know what's wrong right? The thing is I really feel down when u can't come, and I really jealous that u say u have to go cook becoz that girl. And I think I m crazy and stupid since I don't even remember what's the last time I felt jealous. But on the other side, I feel happy that u quite enjoy ur life there now, It's good for u so that after I leave u can forget me soon soon. One more thing is I really wish I can go to ur banquet, I think u might look sexy when ya working. Lol...Basically, that's all I want to say^^
