Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 17...

Day 17 hah...
Today is the first day after we "break up" as what you said.... For me really, it's a delay cuz i always hope that i could be again beside you :)
Honey ah... my days without you is so so boring.... i cant deny the fact that i still love you... still holding the phone and wait for your message....
You do say that you love me right? then i will wait until that day comes.... when you and me, we will have the best time ever of our life... you have your sweetest guy ever and i have my dearest girl ever...
We will deeply fall in love and nothing can seperate us by then...
This time, this distance will be an instrument that make you realize your love for me... or make you realize that you dont love me.... i dont know:) But i wont give up on us, i will still hope.

Abt my day? Borin... i really tried to have a lot of activities that could make me relax.... and i got the relaxation but still with you in my head.... thinking of you really make me smile, taking to you make me feel warm in my heart and have a sense of safety somehow...

I let you free... so i guess all your heart now is on him hah.... he is really a lucky guy... im jealous... i always hope that it's me and you who have the relationship for that long.... i really hope that it's me who you gonna spend time with, going out with, say sleep tight with a big kiss and 3 magical words every single night....

But i guess so far, im not the man , your heart is missing .... that's why you go away ... i know :)

Love you so so so much!
And i miss you.... i miss us!

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