Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 58th...

Time goes fast hah ....
1 month and a half that you left here... Do you know that distance only make me love you and miss you more? guess ya not hah... I really cant get you out of my head ... 
How are you going now? Let me guess ... ya going well, you are good mah :) you are a strong girl, not like me (_ _") 
It's been 2 weeks since i last wrote something for our secret hah?
You know why they call somewhere a secret place? Because it's a place why only you know, only you come to hide yourself... and here will be the place where i hide myself from you hah?
Ya sick... im really worry for you ... and you left without saying good luck to me even though you know im in a tough time, need someone to cheer me up... but ... you went out and have fun with him ... ya two are getting closer, im glad to know so:) but also hurt a lot ... Yup, time has gone, distance has been set, why i still love you so much? And it's getting deeper... and why your love for me is getting less and less... I can feel it whenever we talk ... 

Anw... i still love you so much nah:) Wont let you know abt what's happening to my heart ... This will be my only secret place ... place where i put all the pains, leave it behind and continue making you smile hah ... 

It's getting colder here... nights are freezing ...
And i miss you all the time...

Love you...

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