Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 16th

Day 16 ...
I guess from today i will try to write this to you earlier, honey hah :)
I will try to write this before you go to sleep everyday that i can ....

 You seem to have a really nice day hah ...

Its good to know that ya fine with all of that now... i know you need time to get use to it...
but at least... ya still fine with him ... even though it hurts me more than i thought.... i really cant think of anything after that....
But honey ah ... i said that i will accept hah? Then i will accept ... i wont mention anything about me in you in our conversation anymore... keep that only in our secret since it is our secret... share me everything as a best friend hah? For now i guess that is the only way that i can still stay beside you...
But in here, to me, you will still be my sweetest, dearest girl friend hah *wink* I can see that from now on... you wont be able to text with me like before... i waited for ya the whole day... now i clearly see the feeling... this would be the only form of communication that i could reach you somehow hah...

So about my day? Havent ended yet but i think it will be boring again ...
So far all i do is almost the same as yesterday... run in the morning, went to classes, had lunch, class again =.= Nothing really happen to me since ya left....

I really miss you ... but only here hah ...
I love you ... but wish all the best for you and him ...

P.s: still let me call you honey here hah... <3

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