Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 6th

Another day wake up having you in my arms ... so so relaxful and comfortable...
You are a lazy cat today hah :p but i love you for that as well ... love the way you call me "honey", love the way you insist me to let you continue sleeping ... "15 mins more nah, honey" ... " come closer nah "... " Hand! Hold me nah " ... so so so cute  <3 especially they came out from you with a unresistable sweet voice <3
Really hate ya when ya put all of these make up things on my face you know T.T they made me look so ... GAY *puke*
What next? Special even on the train comes with the period-ache hah? lol, that will really be our secret hah *wink* but you still need to bribe me something to keep my mouth shut! *tricky*
Time was getting more narrow when we got to the hostel hah ... really felt like gotta go really far away from you ... Remember the moment at the train station? Really dont wanna let your hand go ... just want to hold it tight and kiss you more:p
The way back was really long... The longest way back i've ever had i guess *wronged* Miss ya the whole long way... kept looking into my phone and see when i would have 3G to text with you ... so so long T.T

Just want to let you know ... I MISS YOU!!

Love you more than yesterday <3

1 comment:

  1. Sitting somewhere missing Swiss , I wanna go home nan honey... I had a really nice beaf steak and cocktail without alcohol . Other things are all not so nice. Franfurt are boring and boring and was ur day back to school?
